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Wednesday, November 28, 2007


Yes, I'm moving.
What more can I say? Wordpress is prettier.

Oh, Music Camp was all right. Boring, but all right. I survived, that's all that matters.

& turned on the lights; 10:07

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Gladesville's VideoEzy and I, we're real tight.

I realised as I was thinking about all the DVDs I have rented out in the last two weeks that the majority of them were under the drama genre. My film taste does make me wonder.

In the last two weeks, I watched:
  1. Capote - hands down, one of the best movies I have ever seen.
  2. Guide to Recognising Your Saints - I really only picked it because Riana was coming over and I know how much she loves Shia.
  3. Young Adam - one of Ewan's movies. I didn't get to finish it, but I must say that it is very "graphic" D:
  4. Season 1 of 24 - I'm addicted. Jack Bauer is tha shizzle.
  5. Paris J'Taime - very sweet movie. So many familiar faces!
  6. Scenes of a Sexual Nature - another Ewan movie. Similar to Love Actually, only a less obvious.
  7. Half Nelson - I really liked this movie... Ryan Gosling certainly deserved that Oscar nomination. Drug addicts have never been any cuter. Also, they played Shampoo Suicide by Broken Social Scene :)
  8. Surf's Up - penguins have never been cuter! Surfing penguins = cool! Shia is so convincing.
  9. The Bourne Ultimatum - this was one orgasmic action movie. I shat in my pants all the way through (ahem, motorbike scene)
  10. Death at a Funeral - told you before, it was hilarious! Oh how I love the British!
  11. Spanglish - how typical of an American family movie. Ew @ Adam Sandler.
  12. Season 1 and 2 of Weeds - another series I'm addicted to. Illegal weed distribution and smoking has never been so funny.
I'm so sure I watched a couple more, but as you all know my memory continues to fail me. I couldn't even remember the word "convincing" while I was typing up that list.


Dad called. He said he found me a job. His friend owns an advertising company in KL and wouldn't mind if I worked there for a couple of weeks just to get familiar with the industry. Mum said it was the same man who patronised her based on her gender when she went for a job interview many years ago. Well, let's hope it doesn't happen to me.

I went to get a haircut today. I'm back to looking like super-butch. The hairdresser cut it too short, when I said just a little shorter. I just wanted a trim! I regret having this haircut now. I should have just grown it out... How is anyone of the opposite sex going to be interested in me anymore?

GQ magazines cost far too much for me. But when Daniel Craig is on the cover, who bloody cares right? Damn Daniel for being too motherfucking hot.

Watching Dead Poet's Society now.


PS. Today, I rented out DPS (watching now), Stanley Kubrick's Clockwork Orange, The Constant Gardener, Breakfast At Tiffany's and One Hour Photo. All for $8. Someone, save me.

PPS. From the UK edition of GQ December 07. Who ever thought that Daniel was a computer game nut! I just love him even more! ...

JN: What's your favourite game?
DC: I'm quite into games that have a huge fat story line. I'm not into role-playing games, I can't be doing with all of that. But Halo's good because it's shooting aliens.
JN: A victimless crime.
DC: Exactly. Those ultra-violent ones. I can play for an hour and then I feel dirty. Vice City - oh yes, all right, I've stolen 18 cars. I've had enough now.

& turned on the lights; 20:13

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

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"Too hot, I know."

I stumbled across this highly accurate biography of Daniel Craig,
check it out here.

Here're some of the True Facts about my favourite man:
  • Daniel Craig kills any man who stares at him for more than ten seconds.
  • Daniel Craig does not fuck. He drills.
  • Daniel Craig is 1/8th Muslim. This has nothing to do with ancestry,
    the man ate a fucking Arab!
  • Daniel Craig drives an Aston Martin DB5 covered in human skulls.
  • Daniel Craig can touch MC Hammer.
  • Daniel Craig once ate a whole cake before his
    friends could tell him there was a stripper in it.
  • If you fuck with either James Bond or Daniel Craig, he will steal your car,
    steal your wife, and blow up your house.
And there's a hundred of these TRUE facts ;)
Oh how I love him.

PS. I'm blogging because I'm bored.
Have you noticed?

& turned on the lights; 14:04

I'm angry, and I'm going to make a list describing my frustration for everything.

I hate...
  1. how all my friends who I dearly miss are too busy to talk to me.
  2. how no one is listening to me.
  3. the fact that I can't decide what is more important to me: my love for music or photography?
  4. John Howard or the fucker who increased interest rates, making it AUD$1 approximately equivalent to RM3.20.
  5. the Indian Embassy for not knowing how to organise a fucking embassy in Sydney.
  6. how my digital camera screen is broken.
  7. the fact that I don't deserve to own a new guitar because I'm not good enough.
  8. going out because that means putting on something nice to wear.
  9. the person who has rented out 24's season 2 Disc 1 and 2 before me.
  10. going out for dinner with mum's friends. They talk to me like a fucking child when I don't do or say anything to demonstrate such a thing.
  11. how my hair looks right now. I want a fucking haircut.
  12. how I can't drive around by myself since my mum is always complaining about driving alot.
  13. how I can't change the way I dress.
  14. how I am continuously judged as a fucking 12 year old by the way I dress.
  15. how I don't have clothes that make me look my age, and my gender.
  16. how women have periods and men don't.
My noodles are getting cold. I didn't even ask for any and my mum made it anyway. Fuck everything.


& turned on the lights; 12:58

Saturday, November 17, 2007

"I want to do something great for a change. I've done my part during my time at AISM (my previous school), and now I feel like doing the very same at St Caths. I want to make my school years here worth something much more than just a few years at 'some' school. I want to be known for something good, and not just 'some' student from overseas. I want to leave school, after my final years, feeling like I've truly accomplished something much more than an average student."


I was bored enough to take a trip down memory lane. What better way to spend your time than to look at old blog entries! I was reading entries from late 2005 and I can't believe how much I've grown up since then. I can't believe how quick it has been. One minute I was complaining about how difficult Year 10 was and how pressured I felt about making "life-altering" decisions. Next thing I know I'm walking out of my HSC Biology exam at 11.30am 30th of October, my final exam of my high school life and thinking that was one high hurdle completed. I used to complain about the most ridiculous things too, like how selfish my father was, how no one should suffer from isolation like I felt I did. It's funny. I laugh at stories such as the Year 10 formal, and the night when there were boys outside the boarding house making noises and calling for the boarders.

I found this quote, from the 25th of November 2005 as I was reading through the page. Two years down the road, and I feel as if I've achieved my goal of the past. I truly believe that I've accomplished something much more than an average student, especially the average student I believed I was at the beginning of my school career at St Catherine's. Here's a list, because let's face it -- not only does everyone love lists, people are less inclined to read large passages of text as displayed constantly throughout my blog. ADMIT IT.
  • I joined three school bands and learned how to play the timpani for the Orchestra and Concert Band.
  • I made a video for promoting the school's boarding house, which has even created interest in the headmistress of the school.
  • I was on the boarders' council in Year 12.
  • I nominated myself for prefect in Year 11, eventhough I knew I had no chance.
  • I played in tennis competitions, and although I never won a single singles match, I found myself receiving B&F mentions in the newsletter and an award for Most Improved Player.
  • I learned how to play soccer, and found my talents in goalkeeping. I'd never felt so needed xP The headmistress was at my last game and congratulated me. She even used my name. Bizarre.
It may not sound like a 5-star achievement that would be enough for an award at Speech night, but to me, I believe I achieved my goal of two years ago and am happy to say that I will leave school feeling like I achieved great things in my final years of high school.

Well that was one lovely walk down memory lane. :)


& turned on the lights; 19:26

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

I just want someone to be there for me. I just want someone who could make me happy.

That's all :)

& turned on the lights; 03:30

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Sigh. How I miss them all.
EDIT: Including Nom. OF COURSE.


And let me rant for a while, I think that's what I need at two in the morning.
Stupid shiny happy people who laugh and hold hands,
who throw their love around, and
take their love into town.
Sigh :( I want to be part of the shiny happy people group.
I'm being really discreet, aren't I?
No, it's just me at 2am on a Wednesday.
Right, end of rant. I really should go to bed.


PS. Happy 16th Birthday Riana :)
my sister.
She probably isn't reading this (unless she secretly reads my blog), but nevertheless, it's the thought that counts the most.

& turned on the lights; 02:19

Friday, November 09, 2007

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Caught a movie with mum this evening, Death at a Funeral. It was excellent, and extremely hilarious. It even got the whole room laughing. Who ever thought that a funeral could be so funny!

Early this morning I had a driving lesson in the rain. It was a little daunting at first, but I think I'm starting to get the hang of it. I really enjoy it. My instructor thought I was confident enough for the big roads, so I had to drive home. Due to my super concealing skills, I managed to hide the fact that I was scared shitless on the main road. Fuckin' Bentley didn't give way to me when I was turning in! Why do they allow such enormous cars on roads like Australia's with narrow lanes?

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(From left) Nom, Mr Gresham and myself
at the Year 12 Staff-Student Dinner in September, 2007.

Our band coordinator, Mr Gresham was able to sway me into performing with the school's Senior Stage band at the St Joseph's Spring Fair this Sunday the 11th. We're playing my favourite song and good ol' best friend, House of the Rising Sun by The Animals. I'm not sure if I've bitched about this song in previous entries, but the band's been playing this song for a long time now, and I hold the key opening solo part -- I mess up every single performance with a dud note, or a tiny mistake. I've probably only played the solo correctly 5 out of 187293728 times. Nevertheless, the band needs me and I'm all for a little performing on my Purple Haze (Yaha, I've decided to name my purple guitar after my favourite Hendrix song). It's cool anyway, for a Year 12 to give up her time for school related things, especially when it comes to promoting the school. Yeah, I'm that big a loser.

Speaking of promoting the school, I was indirectly asked a couple of months ago by Mrs Wilson, the head of boarding on behalf of the school's headmistress to make a video promoting the whole school for use in next year. I'd previously done a video for Mrs Wilson of the boarding house, which was originally used for a boarding house presentation at the school's Spring Fair earlier this year and was then used at school exhibitions in several Australian cities and Hong Kong. Mrs Stone, the headmistress liked it and found it so impressing - enough to want one of the whole school - done by me. She even said that she was willing to pay me to do it. I haven't got back to her on that yet, but I'm going to take the job. I mean, why not right? It'll be good for my portfolio, great work experience and plus, I'll earn a little moolah and get to spend my holidays doing something productive. But man, what a job that would be. I find it so hard to believe that someone was impressed at the work I did. I used the dodgiest program to do it, and it still caught eyes.

My severe case of dry skin makes me look like a reptile. Could I be the missing link in the pattern of evolution? :O

I should start sleeping early again. I'm slipping back into my old habit of sleeping at 3am and waking up at 12pm again, and it's not too healthy. So off to bed I go.


PS. Saw random kids walking around in their school uniform today and realised how much I miss school already. I'm clearly not over the fact that it's all over.

PPS. Facebook is amazing. All my primary school mates (most of whom never really knew who I was) have changed so much.

PPPS. Sorbolene cream is heaven.

PPPPS. If going vegetarian is harmless, I might consider it as a way to lose weight.

& turned on the lights; 20:28

Thursday, November 08, 2007

It's supposed to be summer, yet it's been pouring with rain for the last week. Weather forecasts says it'll keep raining for the rest of the week too. In a way it's great. Less problems with hay fever, and great weather to sleep in. On the other hand, I've been suffering from severe dry skin problems and it's been driving me nuts. It makes me look like a man growing a stubble!

I really enjoyed my first driving lesson on Monday. It was fun, and frightening at the same time. I've another lesson tomorrow morning. Let's hope it'll be just as good.

I found out that it costs AUD$5 to print an exposure of 120mm film. It's absolutely ridiculous. So whenever I use my Holga, one roll of film would cost me AUD$60, which is the equivalent of RM180! And with the increasing interest rates in Australia (Howard, you stupid man) -- I'm so doomed. So I've decided to take the film home to develop it. Hope it doesn't cost as much as it does here.

Mum was thinking of buying a new car for conveniences next year. I hope to say hello to a new Hyundai i30. :)

I'm off to bed. I've got to get up early for my driving lesson. Pray that the roads are dry for me tomorrow morning. It'll benefit everyone on the road tomorrow.


PS. I woke up this morning and thought about the end of school, and how I'll never have to go back to school again. It's bizarre.

PPS. I really read into the whole Columbine high school massacre in 1999 last night. I was so interested in it that it creeped me out. I couldn't sleep, so I read.

PPPS. Which brings me to the topic of my current read: A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini. It's excellent.

& turned on the lights; 20:23

Sunday, November 04, 2007

I reckon I've been spending my holiday time very well, with my frequent trekking into the city. I've been out every single day from when I first started my holidays and I'm knackered! And, so is my wallet.

Other than shopping and spending time with my friends, I've really been enjoying my days of freedom. Take this morning, or afternoon for example. I woke up at noon for the first time in over two years. I haven't slept in like today for ages! And that is a big deal as I usually wake up earlier due to feeling bad about wasting the day away. I started a Weeds marathon, but failed after finding out that our DVD player can't play disc two of Season 1.

I'm starting my first driving lesson tomorrow. I'm really excited for it, and at the same time I'm worried that I'll just chicken out and fumble out. So, anyone on the roads in the Gladesville area -- steer away.

I broke my camera today. No, not on purpose. I put it in my back pocket and sat on it, thinking that it wouldn't hurt. Guess I was wrong. The screen inside has cracked, so the display doesn't work anymore. It can still take photos though, so that's great. I'll survive.

About A Boy is on now and it's about to end.


PS. Judy and Jenny are leaving :(

PPS. I want a Nintendo Wii. It'll make my days here so much better.

PPPS. I got tickets to the Phantom of the Opera showing next May-June. Jude ordered tickets after me and funnily enough got seats next to mine. x)

PPPPS. I admit it. I want my own penguin with the perfect pebble.

& turned on the lights; 19:44

Saturday, November 03, 2007

Keep saying that my head's locked up in the clouds,
Keep saying that the lord won't slow me down


It's finally out, and I HAS IT.
Oasis' latest single and exclusive digital track, Lord Don't Slow Me Down.
It's awesome guys. If you dug their song Lyla, I recommend it.
Then again, I'm an Oasis muso. TRY IT ANYWAY!

& turned on the lights; 06:49

about me.

raelene. rae. roro.
eighteen years.
completed her final year of school at st caths, sydney.
is a musician, photographer and aspiring designer.
loves travelling, art, music, great food, clear blue skies, writing and ice-cream.
enjoys drowning in music, strumming random chords on the guitar, playing tennis,
finger-bashing it out on a game console and a bowl of curry laksa.
despises bad traffic, girls with long and fair faces with large contact-lensed eyes, bad food, mascara goop, hard pillows and hard beds.


RAEVILLE came about some time in the year of 2001. or 2002. it's been so long that i've forgotten already.
it all started here (i doubt the link works anymore though), in a dodgy little blog page. then it moved to here. a year later, and we moved to better things, namely blogspot.

ps. raeville is best viewed on mozilla firefox. just because it's better :)


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recent entries.

Blogger to Wordpress
My relationship with VideoEzy
Uncyclopedia-ed Daniel Craig
Some things I really hate.
A trip down memory lane.
Shiny happy freakin' people.
Death at a Funeral
Rainy days


September 2005
October 2005
November 2005
December 2005
January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
May 2007
June 2007
July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007